The international conference “Apitherapy for Children 2024” was also officially supported by the Medical Chamber of Slovenia!
The Medical Association of Slovenia will award doctors 15 points for participating in professional content.
The conference is supported by the Chamber of Pharmacists of Tuzla Canton (BiH) and participation in the conference is scored according to regulations.
The conference is supported by the Croatian Commission for Medical Education of Doctors and participation in the conference is awarded 12 points, and passive participants were awarded 10 points.
For participation in the international conference Apitherapy for children 2024, points are also awarded to educators and teachers in Slovenia and Croatia according to national regulations.
The conference is supported by the Association for Nutrition and Dietetics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Registration in the link below 👇👇👇
Čebelji sprehod po Mežici – ITER APIUM Mežica
Hrvatsko apiterapijsko društvo
Klub profesionalnih turističnih vodnikov Slovenije
Mestna občina Ljubljana
Ministrstvo za vzgojo in izobraževanje
Api Nina